
Each use case offers an input field where the user is expected to type some text to give some context to the AI. Small and informative phrases / key points to the AI tool will act as a hint and helps the tool understand your needs efficiently.

Useful tips

Follow the format shown in the placeholder text  

Placeholder text gives you an idea about the kind of text you should provide to get the best results from the AI.

Follow the suggested character limit 

The input text has a character limit that ranges from 25-500 characters depending on the use case selected by you. Please provide as much input as you can to get specific and high-quality results.

The limit is there to comply with OpenAI guidelines but we'll keep fine-tuning / optimizing it based on usage patterns.

Incomplete or strange phrases  

Try to avoid giving short, incomplete, or wrongly punctuated phrases such as: 

- "email marketing for"

- "best software in marketing," 

- "support"